Preferred Printing is not your typical local printer. Yes, our pricing and quality is very competitive, but what separates us from the pack is our vast amount of services offered in one location. Preferred Printing's full CASS certifying and mailing services are the perfect addition to get your message out. We also specialize in inserting and envelope sealing.
Direct mail is a type of direct marketing in which businesses send letters, postcards or other promotional materials to current or potential customers. Direct mail campaigns may be targeted to either a consumer or business or both. In many cases, the mailing is directed to a target demographic (i.e. home owners) or geographic market (i.e. a specific neighborhood). In most cases, it's mass or bulk mailing, but you can send direct mail in smaller quantities as well.
- Higher conversion rates than email marketing.
- Bulk mailing costs less than regular mail.
- Results can be tracked.
Ways To Use Direct Mail
Often, people think only in terms of mailing ads when considering direct mail. But there are several different ways a business can use direct mail to get new sales:
- Catalog of products and services: Let prospects see everything you have to offer by sending them a catalog or list of what you offer. Consider including a coupon to encourage them to buy.
- Discounts and specials: Offer a special deal for new customers or returning customers. People like a good deal and it's a great way to entice prospects to learn more about your business.
- Useful items or tips: Realtors often send their clients calendars. Customers use the calendar because they offer them something useful, and it keeps the Realtor's name in their mind year round.
- Reminders: Depending on your product or service, it can be beneficial to send your customers reminders. For example, if you are a Vet you might send out yearly shot reminders or if your a tax business you would send a reminder in January that tax season is right around the corner.
- Announcements: If you're launching a new product or service, let your existing customer list, and prospects know about it. Again, this would be a good time to include a discount to encourage them to check out the new product or service.
- Newsletter: In the age of email a print newsletter is a refreshing change. Millennial's have a higher response rate to direct mail vs email marketing. Make sure to combine many of the above ideas such as list of products or services, discounts, useful tips, and announcements to close the sale.